Thursday, June 10, 2010

Uses of Cryogenics
  • Dipin Dots
  • This is a specific type of ice cream that is made up of tiny beads and taste just like regular ice cream.
  • The only difference is that it is frozen using liquid nitrogen instead of a freezer. Liquid Nitrogen is a cryogenic fluid.
  • The Liquid Nitrogen gives it its unique bead shape and texture.

  • Space Shuttle Columbia
  • The space shuttle Columbia was lauched in 1982 with the assistance of liquid oxygen and nitrogen propellants. 
  • These things were used as a kind of fluid to propel the rocket.
  • Large Hadron Collider
  • Particle accelerators use cryogenics in order to create superconducting magnets, electromagnets to be more specific.
  • Such low temperatures are needed because in normal electromagnets, the particles are moving so fast in the current, the electromagnets that are used could be melted.
  • Liquid He is used to cool the cale in which the current is flowing. The temperature of this cable is kept at about 4K.
  • This way, the current can flow faster, with much less heat resistance. The lower the temperature is, the lower the resistance is and the higher the current will be.
  • This will create less energy loss and a more effective experiment.

  • Cryomedicine
  • Liquid Nitrogen can be used to remove warts and other things of that kind fairly painlessly.
  • Eggs and sperm are cryogenically stored.
  • Cryogenics can be used to freeze surgical tools to create less bleeding during surgury.
  • Cryotubes are viles in which tiny beads are placed. These tiny beads have little holes in them where bacteria is placed. The tubes are then placed in liquid nitrogen, a cryogenic fluid.

  • Cryogenic Body Freezing
  • This process involves freezing a body after death, hoping that someday, they will eventually be able to be brought back to life. 
  • Only about a hundred people have done this over the past 20 or so years due to controversy over whether it meets their religious practices, whether or not it is possible, and moral and ethical reasons.

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